Thursday, November 6, 2008

First order of business

First order of business for President-elect Obama, get Michelle a new dress. Seriously, she thought this was good? Yeah, I know it was Narciso Rodriguez but it still sucked. It made her waist look terrible! It screamed hey, here are my boobs and belly! Ugh.


My Flock Rocks! said...

I couldn't agree more with you! It almost looked as if she was on fire!

Jennifer said...

Did you see the runway version of the dress? Much more attractive.
It's a shame she didn't pick something else. She really has a cute figure and, in my opinion, needs to pick dresses that will give her more of an hour glass shape. I saw a picture of her in a sleeveless dress, black and white, with a ribbon below the bust, and one a few inches below that-empire waist-and it really looked great on her.