Thursday, January 10, 2008

No black bras under tan sweaters

Ladies - I am watching you. I was out to lunch today and spotted a very well dressed professional woman wearing a black bra under a tight thin tan sweater. Next time I will have a camera.

Everyone has a mirror, look in it. If you can see your bra through your shirt, go back to start.

If you don't have a mirror, do what I my gal pal, tell her I need to come by her desk immediately and she has to tell me if I look slutty. Yes, I have done this and I am blessed she is very honest with me. To date, I have not looked slutty at work...or so she tells me.

1 comment:

Peoria Peepers said...

I still can't believe how many women who have to wear white shirts for their jobs apparently have not heard of flesh-toned bras. Or maybe they just like flashing their bra like a white neon sign.